Rates: Fees and replacements

Overview of the current rates for fees and replacements at Gentofte's Libraries.

You are required to pay fees according to the current rates if you return materials late. Fees are charged at the end of the loan period and for late renewals (renewal after the loan period has expired).

Fees are charged based on the materials' loan date. Initially, the fee can be up to 20 DKK for materials borrowed simultaneously with the same loan period and returned together.

You are responsible for regularly checking what you have borrowed and returning it on time.

You can see if you owe any fees on your user profile on this website.

Rates and fees are determined annually by the municipal council in connection with the approval of the budget for the upcoming years.

The fee for exceeding the loan period is charged under the Library Act.

Fee rates for adults:

1-7 days: 20 DKK 

8-30 days: 60 DKK 

31 days: 230 DKK + replacement

Fee rates for children under 18 years:

1-7 days: 5 DKK 

8-30 days: 30 DKK 

31 days: 115 DKK + replacement


Damaged or lost materials must be replaced. Note that for DVDs, MP3 audiobooks, or games, the replacement price may be much higher than the store price. 

A standard price of 240 DKK + 30 DKK for handling costs and chip is often used. If a lost or damaged material is borrowed from another library, we request a replacement price from them, which is usually higher than the standard price. 

If you find the material within three months after paying the replacement, you can get the replacement back. Come down to the library with the material, and the staff will assist you further. However, any fees paid will not be refunded.

If you owe fees of 300 DKK or more, you will automatically receive a borrowing ban. You will be blocked as a borrower. The borrowing ban is lifted once you have paid the fees.