Internet at the Library
Internet at the Library
You can use the library's wireless network on your laptop, tablet, or phone, or you can use the library's computers, all of which are connected to the network.
You can access the wireless network anywhere in our libraries.
The network is called: GK-BIB
The password is: Bibliotek

Guidelines for using the library's internet
The purpose of the internet service is to provide users with access to information and knowledge as well as to use programs and databases that can promote learning, general development, and cultural experiences.
- The use of internet computers must be in line with the library's general purposes, which are enlightenment, education, and cultural activity
- Searching for illegal material or exposure to pornographic or highly violent images is outside the library's purpose and therefore not allowed
- Users' behavior must not be noisy
- The use of the computers is at your own risk
Gentofte Libraries do not assume any responsibility for the material accessed or copied from the internet.